• MinistryMatch Platform

    A comprehensive platform that integrates our individual tools into a best-of-breed placement solution, uniquely designed for denominations and associations.

    MinistryMatch Assessments

    A tool that measures who an individual is and how that relates directly to Christian ministry.


    Extends our assessments by letting you define your ministry positions and then directly match candidates against those positions.


    A set of purpose-built surveys to provide valuable insights for any placement or assessment scenario.

    Branded Solutions

    Our white-label solutions, provide you with a powerful branded placement platform using your own domain name and colors.

Getting Started Guide

for individuals

Understanding MinistryMatch Assessments for Individuals

MinistryMatch Assessments measure seven constructs (an idea or theory containing multiple conceptual elements) including temperament, motivated role, leadership style, participation style, ministry gifts, ministry values, and bias. Ninety-nine elements are measured within these seven constructs. Thus, virtually every issue that is important to ministry is measured in one assessment.

As a result, the MinistryMatch Assessments are among the most widely used tools for the evaluation and placement of persons in ministry. This includes both the placement of professional staff in churches and organizations, as well as the recruitment and placement of lay leaders inside their own churches. Click here to learn more about the MinistryMatch Assessments.

The following instructions provide step-by-step directions for getting setup and taking your individual MinistryMatch Assessment:

Step 1: MinistryMatch Assessment Activation

How to setup an Individual Account
  1. If you have not already done so, the first step is to setup an Individual Account for the maintance of your MinistryMatch Assessment records.

    Click Create>Individual Account or (click here to create your account now.)

  2. Complete the Account Profile form. When completing the account profile, you will be asked for a Denomination. This is personal background information only.
  1. If you were given a License Code by a ministry organization, select “Yes” to the question “Do you already have a License Code,” choose MinistryMatch Pro or MinistryMatch Laity as appropriate, and enter your License Code. Click Submit and proceed to Step 2.
  2. If you do not have a preassigned License Code, select “No” to the question “Do you already have a License Code,” choose the appropriate assessment package, and enter your credit card information. Click Submit and proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Taking the MinistryMatch Assessment

  1. Once you have purchased or registered your license, you will be taken to MinistryMatch Assessment questionnaire.
  2. Complete the Assessment following the instructions on each step. You do NOT need to complete the entire questionnaire at one time. You may return at any time to continue from where you left off.

Step 3: View your results

  1. After answering all of the survey questions, click Detail Report to open your MinistryMatch Assessment report. You should always choose the Detailed Report for your review. Further in these instructions you will see more information on the purpose of other report types.
  2. IMPORTANT: Your results will not be released for viewing by organizations until you have viewed them yourself. Make sure to complete this step.

Step 4: Selecting organizations authorized to see your survey results.

  1. After viewing your results, you may optionally select organizations you wish to authorize to see your results. You may add or delete from this list at any time in the future.

Step 5: Ministry Candidate Application.

  1. If you will also be completing the Ministry Candidate Application, the menu screen will contain a link for completing that Application. Click the link in this step and follow the instructions on the resulting next page.
    If you have previously completed a MinistryMatch Assessment but have not purchased the Ministry Candidate Application license, the menu screen will provide you with the opportunity to purchase one and proceed as above.

Survey Reports released to Organizations

Once you have competed the MinistryMatch Assessment (and Ministry Candidate Application if you completed one) you may view the results at any time by signing into your account. You may view and print these results as often as you wish. You may edit your Ministry Candidate Application anytime in the future by signing into your account, but you may not change/edit your MinistryMatch results.

Any Organization that you added to your authorized organization list will also be able to view all of your reports. You may add or remove organizations from your authorized list at any time.

There are two MinistryMatch reports and, if completed, a Ministry Candidate Application:

  1. Interpreted Detailed Report – This is primarily intended for your use as it provides a detailed explanation of all the constructs related to their results.
  2. Summary Report – Provides a summary report for use by an evaluator in counseling or comparing individuals. Pie charts show how the individual sees themselves with respect to each construct. The comparison of the individual to all others who have taken the MinistryMatch Assessment is presented as bar charts.
  3. Ministry Candidate Application – This provides the information from your application in a report format to be used for any placement purposes.
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© 1998 - 2022 "Center for Church Effectiveness, Inc. and Bob Gilliam.” All rights reserved.
Our mission is to provide powerful tools that help build healthy, disciple-making ministries.

We do this through the use of leading-edge technologies, proven assessment methodologies and feature-rich tools.

MinistryMatch Platform

A comprehensive platform that integrates our individual tools into a best-of-breed placement solution, uniquely designed for denominations and associations.

MinistryMatch Assessments

A tool that measures who an individual is and how that relates directly to Christian ministry.


Extends our assessments by letting you define your ministry positions and then directly match candidates against those positions.


A set of purpose-built surveys to provide valuable insights for any placement or assessment scenario.

Branded Solutions

Our white-label solutions, provide you with a powerful branded placement platform using your own domain name and colors.


Click here to learn about our pricing.

Contact Us

If you have a question, please reach out!